Guy Fawkes Poster
For Guy Fawkes as a class, we researched about Guy Fawkes and presented the information we found by making a poster here is Me and Mackenzie's poster:
Mackenzie's Blog:
Mackenzie's Blog:
This Is our Fact Sheet:
1. When was he born? He was born in April 1570 in York England, his Father was Edward Fawkes. He died when Guy was at the age of 8. His Mother Edith Fawkes had a Catholic background.
That is the cause of his Catholic belief and the reason he was baptized.
2. Who was Guy Fawkes?
3. What did he do?
He and a group of 11 men plotted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London with barrels of gunpowder in the basement.
4. Why did he do it?
When Queen Elizabeth the 1st reigned she stopped the Catholic religion
out so he plotted to kill the Parliament to bring back Catholic religion
5. How did he die?
He died on 31 January 1606 due to Cervical Fracture ( A broken neck) he jumped off a tall ladder. He was supposed to be hung.
6. Why is Guy Fawkes Celebrated?
We celebrate this night because it was the night the gunpowder plot was spoilt and he got caught doing this with 11 other men. This night was on November 5th, 1605.
7. How are fireworks connected to Guy Fawkes?
8. Who was associated with this event?
- John Wright
- Robert Keyes
- Thomas Wintour
- Thomas Percy
- Thomas Bates
- Robert Wintour
- Christopher Wright
- John Grant
- Ambrose Rookwood
- Sir Everard Digby
- Francis Tresham.
- He studied in St Peter’s School in, York England.
- His Italian version of his name is “Guido.”
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